Thursday, April 27, 2017

This is a recent painting that is currently in The Gunnison Gallery in Gunnison Colorado.  I used pinata yellow and Ranger Flamingo to do the poppies.  I first used masking fluid to preserve the white yupo paper so that I could get pure color after pouring the background.  I poured the background and then removed the masking fluid to do the poppies.  Details of stems and buds were added last.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

One of my favorites

This piece is titled "Ode To Joy"   It was painted from my head.  First painted the light background with lots of blending solution (the piece is 38" by 16") to cover the whole piece of Yupo paper, then added the alcohol inks to paint a pale background, added the flowers, then stems.  It made me happy every time I looked at it so the name.  The original sold and  had mixed emotions.  Prints are available in 32X12 aprox and sells matted for $195.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Please don't give up on this blog.  I am learning a lot and will make it much more interesting.  I will keep it mostly on alcohol inks and my techniques.  Thanks for sticking with me.  Here is an older painting.  This was done from a photo.  I was demonstrating it in Vail, Co., and it sold before it was finished.  The light stones were preserved first with masking fluid, as well as the daisies.  The painting was done on 144# Yupo paper 36X14 with Ranger alcohol inks.

Monday, April 3, 2017

It's obvious I have not picked out a new photo.  Took about 8 new paintings into the Gallery In Gunnison, Colorado today.  The owner requested two more large poppy pictures.  Tomorrow I will start a new poppy pic about 38 X16, however it will be out of my head rather than a photo.  I will post the steps as I work on it.

Tuesday mornings I have open studio for any of my students that have had a previous class with me.  We will meet from 9:30 to 11:30.  Bring your current projects or something new you want to start on.  I will give a short demo and we will all work on our own projects.  Cost is $15.  Hope to see you there.

Monday, March 20, 2017

I am in the process of picking out a new painting.  Going through my photos first and I will post which I choose and then post the progress as I go day by day.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

It is difficult to get dark areas with alcohol ink.  On this "Sunflower"
I masked off the stems to make them stand our against the darks.  I also masked the sunflower and the leaves.  Then I poured the inks with very little Ranger Blending Solution, after removing the masking medium, I colored in the light areas.  This is painted on 11X14 YUPO.  "Legion Paper" distributed my Yupo.  Check Legion Paper out.  They supply many different art papers and I consider them the top of the line.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

My class for this Saturday March 11 is filled.  The next class is March 25.  Please contact me at 970- 901-9019 for more information.  Class will be held in Cedaredge, Co., in my studio

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

On Monday I demonstrated Ranger Alcohol Inks on Yupo Paper for LEGION PAPER at their booth in Salt Lake City.  I was very pleased to see that LEGION PAPER is marketing #144 pound Yupo in several size tablets.  I was extremely impressed with the quality of everything they produce.  As soon as I can get an order I will be carrying those tablets in my workshops for sale.  Keep posted.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

I am giving a class on March 11 from 9:30 to 4.

Cost:  $75 for instruction

Materials list:

12 Ranger Inks

1 Stamping tool

2 Ranger Blending Solutions

2 Fantastix

Yupo Paper

You  can purchase these supplies at the workshop or bring them with you.  Carol Ann has a kit with all the above supplies for sale for $65.  She has individual products for sale as well.

Call 970-901-9019 to register and for more information

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

My husband Dave Rasmussen is a historical fiction author.  His second book of The Wyakin series is due soon. to be out in an ebook "Legend Of The Dreamer"  This series is about the Nez Perce in the Northwest.  We both grew up in Missoula Montana but currently live in Cedaredge, Co.  We miss our hometown, but have grown to love the area we retired in.

This year marks the tenth year that I have been experimenting with alcohol inks on Yupo paper, I say experimenting as each new painting is an experiment.  It is impossible to duplicate any of my past paintings.   The inks spread and change as they dry depending on how much blending solution I have added to the colors.  I am always fastinated with the effects they create as they dry.  I will keep posting some of the methods I have developed.  Hope you all have a wonderful day.

The aspen trees were painted from my neighbors back yard.  Surface creek runs through our back yard.  The sounds of the water over the rocks and the various colors in the landscape draw me back there often.  My studio overlooks the creek.  Take a look at my website and see the painting "A Place of  Secrets".  It is  a part of my back yard by the creek.   It was inspired by the seclusion.  I could see two young women telling secrets, sitting on the log, and the secrets would be kept there forever.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Ode to Joy

This image is called "THE SUNFLOWER"  The original is for sale at the Gunnison Art Gallery in Gunnison Colorado.  I love sunflowers and created this using techniques that I developed to control alcohol inks on Yupo.  The original is about 16X20.  It is available in 11X14 prints double matted to 16X20.  Cost is $125 for the print.  Blank note cards are 5X7  and are mailable giclee prints for $7.50.  my website is

I welcome comments on this page and will answer questions about my techniques.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

I work with Ranger Alcohol Inks on Yupo paper.  There are  two inks of other brands that I use as I cannot get the color or effect desired with Ranger.  The reason I try to stick with one brand is that I find the consistency to vary in different brands which affects drying time.  I also don't want to mix brands as I feel that the formulas are different and I don't want to have a problem down the road as to permanency.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

While visiting in Texas during bluebonnet and poppy season, I was inspired to create a series of poppy pictures.  I use alcohol ink on Yupo paper.  I like the loose feeling of the inks, but it is very difficult to get the detail of the poppies and stems,  It has been a real challenge to learn how to control the poppies, however they are still one of my favorite images.

Because the inks float on top of the paper (the paper does not absorb the color as it is plastic) they dry with brilliant colors.  Hope this brings you joy.

I will eventually  be demonstrating some of my techniques on this page.  Please feel free to comment.  My website is  I can be reached at